Posted by Elly Fleschutz on

Hey wonderful souls, hi SoulMAATÏs.
These are challenging times - some blame it on Mercury Retrograde, some on those dark days with almost no sun (especially here in Berlin), others on the new year 2020. This decade is intense - yes. But in a good way! This year is about growing and arriving. Arriving at our truest self. Arriving within. It is about finding our true identity - with all our bright and also shadow aspects.

These challenges come to our lifes to proof over and over again our path we are on - if we really, really want it like that - and how much we want it. What are we willing to do for? It is worth it to continue walking if you can answer that question with a loud and unconditional YES! It is your soul plan you are on and the result is gonna be even bigger than you ever could have imagined. But be true to yourself. Stay real. No compromises regarding your values. Do it your way, even if it hurts sometimes or feels lonely. It is okay. You are creating your own wonderful life. This is the beginning.

Be honest. When you feel doubt, not being really sure, if you want it like that: let go! This is the right time to also let go and choose a new path. Let go to create new space to evolve. Let things flow. Trust. Breathe. Stay focused and connected with yourself. And let go. There is a little mantra pranayama exercise you could do, I wanna share with you, which always helps me a lot: Therefore think with every inhale „let“ and with every exhale „go“. Let - go. Let go. Do that for a few breaths and calm down. 

Creating rituals in challenging times is super powerful. And if you struggle with motivating yourself to create your rituals... let it work for you, let yourself be guided!
There is something in the pipeline I would love to share with you already: THE SACRED SPACE. What it is? Berlin‘s first Meditation Studio, Energy Healing Space, Conscious Memberclub, Creative Atelier for Magic Souls, Co-Creating Studio for Consciousness, MAATÏ MAATÏ Showroom and Heaven on Earth.

Where? Berlin. 

Opening? March 2020

Special Offer? Sign now and get the membership for 77,77€ instead of 99,99€ 

What this offer includes? One Year of Self Care and rising together! I will guide and support you for 1 year in monthly 1:1 energy healing and coaching sessions. On top you are invited to join the group meditation once a month and also get an audio file with the guided meditation sent every month, which can be used also to hypnotize yourself every night when falling asleep and so working on your subconsciousness. 
This offer is only available till Saturday, the 29th February -so this means 1 week to go! You better hurry, act now and reserve your spot now! <3 Commit yourself to do sth great for yourself and care for your soul for 1 year! 

How to? 
Just write me an e-Mail to and I will put you on the list and save a spot for you with these very special conditions to save 266€! 


If you do not live in Berlin?
You can sign for the 1year Meditation Audio file membership, which means that you get for monthly 11,11€ every month an audio file with a guided meditation for the specific energy of the month.

I will get back to you with the exact opening date in March - but the offers are available only until the 29th February 2020. 

At the moment we just have completed our long and carefully selfmade renovation work and begin to move in slowly now - finalizing, decorating, energizing and transforming the space into the sacred space. Getting ready for you! 

So looking forward, Angel! 

One love, 
Yours Leonie 


Feel Free to follow @the_sacred_space_berlin on Instagram for more updates and behind the scenes. 

P.P.S. Some of you asked me what kind of energies I would recommend for these stormy, intense times. Definitely THE SHAWL Alpha Omega, which is energized and connects you directly with unconditional love and so gives you power those days. And also for women: The Collier Aphrodite for channeling your inner goddess as well as the amulet Phoenix, for re-born yourself energetically and start anew! Only Love! L

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