Why did we launch a new website?

Why did we launch a new website?

Posted by Leonie Lepenos on

A personal deep dive with our founder - sharing openly and radically honest behind the scenes, what happened and not happened lately.

Do you know this feeling? That state of feeling misunderstood? Over years? Doing pioneer work - but after years you just feel like you can’t anymore - you burn out, you can’t stand this feeling of being misunderstood any longer.

Well - this happened to me. Since my early childhood I am channeling messages from higher realms, light beings, ascended masters. Since 2012 I fully awaked and started to work as a healer and medium. People called me a crazy witch or alien or weird back then. Since 2017 I spread my channeled slogan and motto SPIRITUAL LUXURY through MAATÏ MAATÏ - manifested energy in products, educating people about the abundant state of the soul by creating heaven on earth, changing the business world, doing pioneer work by showing spirituality can be lived on a daily luxurious basis in aesthetical design. We got often copied since then  (yeah, once I really found EXACT word by word copy pasted texts of my personally written product descriptions (which is not possible, and in the end they were not able to copy our technique of course but even THE MATS, THE BLOCKS, THE BAGS, even the founder story was pretty much the same, oh and the best: before that the person ordered everything and tried to copy it - launched her shop 3 months later) - after that same with wordings of my healing sessions, sometimes even exact stories shared that I told what happened in my meditations, sometimes guests from my meditation circles I guided regularly at Soho house or H&M, after that even my channeled Slogan “spiritual luxury”… it went so deep, it hurt so much. More and more and more. And the worst: there was a time where it really seem to work for those copy cats -  and I doubted humanity. And justice. And in the end: god. As by  knowing how untruthful and manipulative these people act - what should be our motivation to stay truthful and go the longer, harder but truthful way then? Some even told stories about their sustainability, the personal production, where I found out later nothing of that was true, as some big shady China based cork production companies (btw the cork is grown artificially there which is truly harmful for the nature) reached out to me offering deals and mentioning them as as clients (which of course I never replied to).

I had to make a decision how to deal with all that. All that had nothing to do with spirituality anymore or the message I channeled in 2017. For me what I create here on this planet is about honesty, it is about honoring the truth, and living my true self - which is the essence of spirituality. I try to do it the best I can every single day. No lying, faking, manipulating. For me the relationship with the higher realms, with god - is something so sacred, and now it was just used in a commercial and dirty way. My soul literally cried. „They use you, god“. - I whispered while crying on my beloved mat.  And this world thinks it’s ok and even celebrate them. I cried - because I lost faith in humanity. I cried because after “green washing” now the next trend is “spiritual washing” - every big company manipulates and commercialises sacred rituals, spirituality, uses healing and universe as their new marketing language. My heart felt like breaking in thousand pieces. It was my soul crying. I lost faith in life. There was even a voice within asking silently: Why am I still here then - as after my awakening in 2012 it came through I am here to follow this purpose. But how and why, if all this became just a fake manipulative trend? Why I am still here then? It was deep. Real deep.

One of my beloved mentors Dr. Petra Schneider guided a personal meditation for me in these dark times to reconnect with my soul and ask for guidance for MAATÏ MAATÏ. And there he was….. the alchemist of MAATÏ MAATÏ: crying, depressed, giving up. He felt misunderstood. He felt not seen. He felt lonely. 

And this was my wake up call - I felt such strong love and responsibility for him. Within seconds I forgot about my own “problems” and directly knew I have to take action now and do aanything possible to make him feel seen again. I stopped the self pity and started to (wo)man up for the alchemist - to serve for the highest best. My promise from 2012. Serving for the Highest Best no matter what - through my purpose which is MAATÏ MAATÏ. 

So, I needed to do whatever it takes to make the alchemist of MAATÏ MAATÏ feel seen again. To spread the magic that lies within. The core of MAATÏ MAATÏ: this magician within.

What I got clear about:
Inside that vision it is so clear. Super clear. But somehow it seems that people don’t get it. You have to be brutally honest with yourself. I experienced that sometimes I met people who order online in our we shop and follow MAATÏ MAATÏ on Instagram for years but in real life I had to explain them our mission and facts about MAATÏ MAATÏ again and again and again… and then they were out of sudden „so surprised and absolutely loved it“ and often shouted then sth like: OMG THAT´S SO COOL I DIDNT KNOW - THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW THIS!!!! - and I always been like: „it’s all written on the website since 7 years now…“ So I remembered all these moments and had to be clear with myself: The message was not clear enough communicated. I knew: I have to rebuild and sharpen the message on our website. And that’s the real reason beyond why I truly decided to build a new website. For: The Alchemist of MAATÏ MAATÏ. Doing it all for the Alchemist.

And I got the feeling: he feels seen now. Sitting here smiling. In gratitude. Heart is full. And what I learned from that as well: Energy doesn´t lie, you can copy words, ideas, whole companies - but never an energy, never an aura. And never a channeled one from higher realms. This one here is real. We know. The Alchemist knows.

Feel it? 

Feel free to…Meet the Alchemist.

Welcome to this Frequency Shift, our New Website on the next level.
Thank you for being here with us. Love, L

P.S. I know and understand that The Alchemist might be me. A version of me. Or at least a part of my soul. But what’s much more important is: it’s the core energy of MAATÏ MAATÏ - I promise: The Alchemist of MAATÏ MAATÏ is real, he does exist. I mean…don’t you feel his magic? :) And maybe in the end we truly are all one - yes, even the copy cats, as your enemies are your best friends on the soul level as they teach you the biggest lessons. For me they did: I understood once more how important and strong MAATÏ MAATÏ energetically is, that this purpose serves something much higher and bigger, not a random commercial cause, energy is real - in every fiber of our materials - nothing that could ever be copied. I learned that I could never not stick to my value system, as it’s truly so anchored within my soul’s plan this time here on earth, feeling like I just HAVE to live for that -  doing what I do herewith and I will continue:  no matter what. It sharpened even more the future vision of MAATÏ MAATÏ - crystal clear -  a highly determined alchemist as you might feel ;) 

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