Chelone teaches us to accept the natural flow of life without having to fight it constantly. Go with the flow - being guided by the flow of life. When connecting with this energy we dance to the rhytm of life naturally - in alignment. Through this deep relaxation we feel a calm inner joy that radiates through us. This inner joy is untouchable and independent of external events. We understand on a deeper level the difference between tension and relaxation, the active and the passive part within us. We understand when we can be proactive - while staying connected with our soul‘s plan - and when it is better to wait and do nothing and letting things grow on their own...Take a deep breath: relax, calm down and letting the present moment unfold. Chelone calls us home to ourselves and teaches us to arrive within. Chelone supports you to not let yourself be distracted by the fast-moving outer world, by outer circumstances or stressful situations, but to stay focused and connected with your soul. Now, it’s time to rest - to stop for a second and look around, because this world, this life is so wonderful when just being in this one moment and not always having to run from appointment to appointment! Push the pause button, breathe, rest for a while - and enjoy quality time with ourselves. Welcome and honor your home and your own body. Chelone teaches us also a deeper understanding for our body, which is our home in this life. Chelone also helps to stay calm and centered in stressful situations. Her energy relaxes when you feel inner tension, restlessness and sleep disorders. She gives us presence and calmness - Chelone relaxes...on all levels.
The Amulet is ornamented with four gemstones that we carefully selected to match the Energy of Chelone. The gemstone Labradorite is the most powerful protector of the mineral kingdom, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness and in facilitating visionary experiences from the past or the future.