2024 Arrival: A slow and long New Year's Eve still on over here!

2024 Arrival: A slow and long New Year's Eve still on over here!

Posted by Leonie Lepenos on

Dearest soulMAATÏs,

This is Leonie, founder of MAATÏ MAATÏ, writing and I would love to wish you a healthy, peaceful, lightful year 2024 filled with love, miracles and belief. Me personally I practice the 12 rough nights intensely this year and therefore tbh I feel like celebrating New Year´s energetically more like after the 6th of January this year. Just trusting my intuition in this as I am still so deeply in transcending, transforming the old year and welcoming the new fresh energy in….I feel like the year 2023 was worldwide for the collective so intense, that I kind of need an extra long take-over-time for the arrival in that new year 2024 – who feels the same? Well – if so: I just wanted to let you know also astrologically it is the time of still slowing down….preparing energetically the new year like as the “back office secretary”, but it´s not the time yet to start running powerfully onto stage into the spotlight. And if you do that: That´s ok, too of course, you little rebellious born superstar – just stay aware and conscious and take some moments in between to breathe deeply - you might be that ray of light itself ready for anything. Embody that. But as I just said: Please don´t forget to just inhale – and exhale, too. Merci. Me personally I just need some more slow-down-prep time for this powerfully loaded 2024. Just to let you know: that is okay. As I promise you, my beloved soulMAATÏs…not just saying so to say sth….2024 will be intense: In a good way. It will in the end change for the good. I feel it loading and got some powerful channels through.

So why am I reaching out to you? Not to just write another “Happy New Year Newsletter”  nor to put some pressure on your new year´s resolutions to like throwing around with PRACTICE YOGA GET FIT THIS IS YOUR YEAR BAM BAM BAM quotes for some fake motivational salesy discount codes to sell my yoga gear….well…no. If you know us by now, you know: this wouldn´t be us.

I reach out to you today, as I thought of you. Why?
Well…You know, there is always this typical question: What would you do if you knew you couldn´t fail?
DREAM BIG….this New Year´s motivational stuff. Yeah. Exactly, you know what I mean. What would you do if you knew you couldn´t fail. Interesting. But boring.


What if you asked yourself instead: What would you do, if you knew would fail? And do it anyway?

Well – this is your soul purpose then.


I asked myself that question.  And I was moved to tears as the answer was so clear: I WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. I WOULD CHOOSE MAATÏ MAATÏ and my healing work again and I wouldn´t change a thing. And yes, of course it is challenging during these insecure times as a solo-entrepreneur without any investors in, without working or selling at any partners or stockists, that do not align with our value system. But I wouldn´t change a thing – because it is my soul purpose. My promise to my soul – serving for the highest best forever. It is my mission on this planet on this lifetime. And I thank YOU, beloved SoulMAATÏ Community for being right here with me on this journey since 7 years now…we did that pioneer work in the beginning, now spirituality, yoga, sustainability became a hype….a lot of commercialized fake things out there, many copy cats – but you know what: energy can´t be copied – and you know that – that´s why you are still here with me, with us, our local farmers, artists, charity partners…..you make a difference with your conscious support, with your choice, with you investing in a higher realm guided social impact company - because you feel the difference. You see the difference. You see. And You are seen. That´s what I wanted to let you know. We see you. Please do me that favor, ask yourself that question and keep going – follow your soul purpose. No matter what that might be.  And even sometimes it is the slower, maybe even harder way to go to stick to your value system and follow your mission. Staying truthful – not hopping onto a hype: It will pay off in the end, it will be all worth it. For that peace within. And as more and more of us create peace within, this peace will reflect in this world…through radical soul-led honesty. That´s what we need in 2024.


So: after all those deepest emotional words (also this might not be highly professional, I know - but I will forever and ever stay honest and authentic with you and show you transparently the MAATÏ MAATÏ principles behind the scenes as this business is channeled and guided by higher realms and I just follow) …so yes, here we go now – I´ll be sharing with you quickly, what that meant for me for the upcoming year ahead also being the founder and leader in love of MAATÏ MAATÏ:


The topic is clear: GOING BACK TO THE ROOTS.
Back to how I started consciously in 2017.


Our MAATÏ MAATÏ Agenda therefore is this one:


  1. Deeper Connections instead of more Views
    I decided to prove and might stop any partnerships, that has changed and do not align anymore with the MAATÏ MAATÏ highest best value system standards. Therefore there might be some changes in the upcoming year regarding our previous stockists.
    Instead we choose to deepen and honour our connections here with you, beloved community in our own direct webshop here, on our blog magazine, and our social media channels…instead of more reach, no superficial collaborations, but only soul-led partnerships.

  2. Product Focus instead of Business Development
    I have been so busy last year with trying to “act like a business owner has to act” I forced myself in trying to scale my soul biz until I got to the point: THIS IS NOT HOW A CHANNELED SOUL-LED BUSINESS WORKS! This is another journey I am on – so instead I will re-focus on opening my creative flow channel to receive downloads for new collections, new products, new designs.

  3. More Offline-Love instead of Online-Bluff
    We have our lovely lightful brand-own consciousness  studio and showroom in Berlin: THE SACRED SPACE by MAATÏ MAATÏ. I will host more regularly events, offline sales and also healing workshops and soul retreats here for you, beloved community. For real healing work, that is needed in this world right now. Also I will go back to traveling the world more again this year - to spread my healings worldwide. I keep informing you about upcoming retreats and workshops worldwide upfront. (to stay updated best check our Instagram regularly therefore!)

    By the way: For you spontaneous Berliners out there: there is an upcoming workshop this Sunday taking place at THE SACRED SPACE (January 7th 2024!)

    Plus the Greece retreat is also loading…book your spot now and fly with us to Lefkada, Greece (my home island, where my Greek family lives closy by for truly deep root work and ancestor support)

  4. Plan with Magic and Miracles instead of getting distracted by duality
    Fortunately we never really did that and always stayed in the end in our magic as MAATÏ MAATÏ, as the core of this channeled heaven-gifted brand is that strong, that it wouldn´t even let me, even though I have to admit that I did have some duality-based doubts in the past year for the first time as the world felt so intense and that monkey mind tried so so hard to distract me by looking for some answers in “the outer world” instead of within. What does that mean exactly? To switch directions. Going inwards again. Attracting. Instead of looking for something, because everything is there already. In deepest gratitude I see MAATÏ MAATÏ how overflowing beautifully full we are here with such bright light and abundant love. We are so full, so fueled up, filled with such magical guidance and miracles happening all over again and again showing me: Yes, so on track! AND AGAIN: You are such a huge part of that, being confirmed angels sent by Mrs Universe herself!

  5. Togetherness in the Community instead of lonely fighters

    Last but not least: LOVE! Doing it together in unity. We are not alone, but so so so many in this. Whether looking for support in the team or partnering up with other brands, partners…or also healers, yoga teachers for our retreats…re-honoring the holiness of this community here and trusting in alignment even more. In the more silent, sacred tones. So this one goes also directly  out to you, beloved community. If that resonates with you and if you might have always felt like sharing sth with us, got ideas, wishes, feel SOMETHING, whatever it is… we are open to receive and listen to your ideas and see what might evolve from there….let´s start right here. Take it from there. Here. Now.

Thank you,

Ciao Cacao Ceremony for now and HI (gh) 2024
(soon…almost there, almost).

In deepest love,

Leonie & your MAATÏ MAATÏs

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